What kind of player are you?

This series of questions are based on the common signs and consequences of problem gambling.

It is a tool designed to help you evaluate whether to modify or seek help for your gambling behaviour.

1. Have you gambled more that you can afford to lose?

2. Have you felt the need to gamble with larger amounts of money to achieve the same level of excitement?

3. Have you tried to win back what you lost?

4. Have you ever borrowed or stole money to gamble with?

5. Have you ever felt that your gambling is becoming an issue?

6. Have family or friends criticised your gambling habits, or told you that you spend too much time and money on gambling?

7. Have you ever felt guilty after you have gambled?

8. Has your gambling caused financial problems for you or your household?

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Your self-assessment results indicate

Non-problem play

Your level of play causes no negative consequences.

Low risk play

Your level of play may cause little or no negative consequences.

Moderate risk play

Your level of play can lead to some negative consequences. For example, you may spend more than you can afford and lose track of time.

Problematic play

Your level of play is leading to a number of negative consequences and a possible loss of control. For example, you may often spend over your intended limit, try to win back money and feel stressed about your gambling.

It is important to note this is not a clinical diagnosis, which requires assessment by a medical professional.

Tips to change how you play

More information